DOCUMENT: Bizarre, Florida

Woman Again Busted For Dildo Battery

In repeat of 2022 incident, Floridian jailed in sex toy tiff

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Dildo Dispute II

SEPTEMBER 13--For the second time in two years, a Florida Woman has been arrested for a dildo-related domestic battery.

Chelsea White, 35, and her boyfriend were in the kitchen about to eat when the man discovered that his missing “glass dildo” was inside White’s backpack in the couple’s Fort Pierce residence.

During the 11 PM tussle that ensued, White and the 35-year-old victim exchanged assorted blows. After the pair briefly separated, the man told cops, White began hitting him again “after he went to grab the backpack.”

White “was standing in the kitchen and threw the glass dildo” at her beau. The dildo missed its target, instead hitting a door and waking the couple’s child.

White subsequently “grabbed the bag” and walked away from the property. She was located hours later and arrested for domestic battery.

White, who is locked up in the county jail in lieu of $1000 bond, was arraigned Wednesday on the misdemeanor count. Her next court appearance is scheduled for October 4.

When questioned by deputies about the recent confrontation, the victim said that White “was arrested in the past for a similar incident where they got into an altercation over a dildo.”

As first detailed in these pages, White was busted in late-2022 when a “verbal argument over a handbag and a sex toy” turned violent. White, investigators charged, kicked and bit the victim, who had “asked White to return the sex toy to him because he owned it.” White, however, “refused to give the sex toy back to the victim.”

White subsequently was found guilty of battery and sentenced to 12 months probation. She was also ordered to pay about $800 in fines and court fees, and was required to complete a “batterers intervention program.”

It is unclear if the same dildo was involved in the 2022 and 2024 episodes. (3 pages)