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While we’re still checking the TSG rider archive, it appears that comedian Kevin Hart has established a new record when it comes to the number of bottles of flavored vodka required in his dressing room.
According to the 36-year-old performer’s 2015-16 tour rider, promoters must provide him with eight bottles of Ciroc vodka. The comic, now on the final leg of his worldwide “What Now?” comedy tour, requires two bottle apiece of Ciroc flavored with peach, coconut, amaretto, and pineapple.
Hart’s alcohol requirements also include two bottles of Patron Silver tequila, two bottle of D’Usse cognac, and two bottles of Luc Belaire sparkling wine. And he also needs 50 shots glasses.
The comedian washes that booze down with assorted turkey and steak wraps and an assortment of chicken, including “Baked whole wings,” “Seasoned Fried whole Chicken Wings,” “Grilled chicken breast strips,” and “Fried chicken breast tenders.”
The rider also details the lengths to which Hart goes to keep audience members from reaching for their cell phones during his show.
Signs that announce a ban on phones, texting, tweeting, talking, and using recording devices warn that violators “WILL BE EJECTED.”
To enforce Hart’s rules, promoters must provide a platoon of up to 140 “roamers” whose sole purpose is to walk up and down a venue’s stairs and hallways in search of anyone armed with a phone. The “roamer” deployment includes “8 spotters/supervisors with radios” and a “20-person extraction team with radios.” Sadly, the rider does not further describe the responsibilities of the comic’s “extraction team.”
The rider notes that each “roamer” should “know what do to if someone is caught with a cell phone out and on.” Additionally, the rider stresses that “roamer” vigilance is a must: “Anyone that is caught repeatedly standing or watching the show will need to be replaced.”
Though Hart will bounce those found recording him, he reserves the right to film fans as part of a concert documentary he is preparing. By entering a venue, a sign declares, ticketholders grant Hart’s production company permission to use their “name, likeness, picture and voice” in perpetuity.
Another rider requirement addresses the hiring of “Five (5) females ages between 21-27 with athletic/sexy build.” The women must be “go-getters and be very approachable/attractive” and have previously worked events with large crowds. “Payment will be $150 per girl per show,” the rider notes. Additionally, the women--who apparently handle promotional chores--are provided with shirts and tights that are available in only x-small, small, or medium sizes. (7 pages)
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