No Bond For The Bison-Taunting Oregon Moron™
Judge orders jailing of national parks terror

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AUGUST 9--A federal judge has ordered the continued detention of an Oregon man who was recorded last month taunting a bison in Yellowstone National Park, according to court records.
Judge Mark Carman yesterday ruled that Raymond Reinke, 55, would be locked up until an August 23 bench trial at the Yellowstone Justice Center in Wyoming. Reinke, seen at right, has entered a not guilty plea.
In denying Reinke bond, Carman ruled that there were no conditions of release that would “reasonably assure the safety of any other person and the community” or guarantee that the Oregon man would show for future court hearings.
Declaring that the evidence against Reinke was strong, Carman noted that the defendant faced incarceration if convicted. Additionally, Carman said that Reinke, 55, has a prior criminal record, a history of alcohol or substance abuse, and a lack of stable residence or employment.
During a trip last month to several national parks, Reinke was first busted on July 28 for being drunk and disorderly inside Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. He was then cited on July 31 for failure to wear a seat belt while in the passenger seat of a vehicle (a court filing states that park rangers noted that Reinke “appeared to be intoxicated and was argumentative”).
On the evening of July 31, “Yellowstone National Park visitors reported that Reinke was harassing and herding bison,” according to a court filing. He was subsequently cited for harassing wildlife and possessing an open container of alcohol.
When video of Reinke taunting a bison (seen below) was posted online, federal prosecutors petitioned to revoke Reinke’s bond on the drunk and disorderly charge. (5 pages)