
On a scale of one-to-Mariah Carey, Brandon Flowers, lead singer of The Killers, has fairly average concert rider requests.
He asks for an assortment of drinks, such as Sierra Nevada Pale Ale beer, GT’s Organic Raw Kombucha (“Citrus or Gingerade”), and a box of organic Smooth Move Senna tea. He requires a bag of “Thick tube sox (size 9-12)” in his dressing room as well as Hanes or Fruit of the Loom-brand boxer briefs (“Men’s size 30 waist”).
Even Flowers’s insistence on a weekly liquor schedule that alternates between Absolut Vodka (“Monday, Wednesday, Friday”) and Jack Daniel’s whiskey (“Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday”) is tame fare compared to other artists like Sheryl Crow and Rush.
But one area where Flowers, whose rider covers his 2010 solo tour, has even the most divaish divas beat is jam. That’s right, the rock star will only allow certain fruit preserves to grace his lips on specific days of the week. Sundays and Tuesdays are reserved for strawberry, Mondays and Thursdays for apricot, while red raspberry jam may only be served on Wednesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays.
Other spreads featured in the contract, which Flowers presumably enjoys on a daily basis, include Jif peanut butter (“must be creamy”), Nutella, and hummus. (2 pages)
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