Meat Loaf

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Meat Loaf Rider

Meat Loaf

Since he's a "worldwide 'superstar' artist," who should be treated "commensurate with the stature of a 'superstar' in the entertainment industry," we figured Meatloaf--oops, make that Meat Loaf--wouldn't need to remind promoters how his "star billing" should appear. And it's no surprise to us that Mr. Loaf doesn't have provincial tastes. From roast pork tenderloin to sautéed green beans almandine (and even Grey Poupon), the grub all gets washed down with some fine wine, including a bottle of Joseph Phelps Insignia 1999 (retailing for north of $100). And what does an artist with such refined taste require for dessert? A couple of boxes of Cracker Jacks, of course. (7 pages)

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