Metallica '04


There are always questions about the pages we don't include when TSG posts a band's backstage requirements. So here, in all its glory, is Metallica¹s complete 2004 tour rider. Revel in the details of the group's insurance requirements, dressing room needs, security, catering, and other minutiae. (24 pages)

Click here to view Metallica's 1983 tour rider.

Comments (2)

Metallica is a good band ever
Enter Sandman The unforgivin 1 2 and 3 Cyanide Sad but true Nothing else matters The memory Remains Holier than thou Wherever i may roam Through the never Suicide and redemption Master of puppets For whom the bell tolls Fade to black King nothing Trapped under ice Ride the lightning Fight fire with fire Orion The call of ktulu Damage inc Battery And More are good metallica songs ever

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One (1) X-Rated Lesbian Magazine

An "X-rated lesbian themed magazine" was on Blink-182's backstage reading list.

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