Wait, did you actually think Pitbull drinks Bud Light, the beer the chart-topping rapper is now peddling in those ubiquitous TV commercials?
The watery Anheuser-Busch product is nowhere to be found on the 31-year-old performer’s 2010-11 tour rider. Instead, Pitbull (real name: Armando Christian Perez) requires promoters to provide him with a case of Corona beer, a product of Crown Imports.
Click here for a rider excerpt detailing Pitbull’s backstage hospitality demands.
In addition to the 24 Coronas, the rapper’s booze requirements include three bottles of Ketel One vodka, and single bottles of Patron tequila, Hennessy cognac, and champagne (either Moët Rose Imperial or Moët Nectar Imperial).
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