June 15, 2011
Beaming John Edwards Seen In Marshals Service Mug Shots
Here are the United States Marshals Service mug shots of John Edwards.
The images (click to enlarge) were snapped when the former U.S. Senator appeared at a Winston-Salem, North Carolina courthouse following his June 3 indictment.
Edwards, 58, pleaded not guilty to six felony charges related to his alleged role in a campaign finance scheme to cover up his affair with Rielle Hunter, who gave birth to Edwards’s daughter in February 2008.
The Edwards booking photo now hangs in a rogues gallery that includes fellow politicians like Ted Stevens, Rod Blagojevich, Larry Craig, Dan Rostenkowski, Tom DeLay, James Traficant, and Jesse Jackson.
March 11, 2025
Cops: Woman, 34, used scalpel to cut off male corpse's genitals