Highlights From Donald Sterling's Dirty Deposition
NBA boss once testified about paying mistress for sex

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APRIL 28--In light of Donald Sterling’s recorded musings on matters of race, The Smoking Gun is revisiting a sworn deposition that the Los Angeles Clippers owner gave in 2003 in connection with a lawsuit he filed against a former mistress.
Sterling and his wife sued Alexandra Castro to recover property that the 80-year-old billionaire gave her during the course of their relationship. While the litigation was settled before trial, Sterling was deposed over three days by Castro’s counsel.
As first reported in these pages, Sterling initially denied under oath having an affair with Castro, but subsequently admitted to paying her for “sucking me all night long.” Sterling described Castro as a “total freak” and “piece of trash” whom he paid $500 per “trick.” Describing his relationship with Castro, Sterling testified, “It was purely sex for money, money for sex, sex for money, money for sex,” adding that the couple would have sex “all over my building, in my bathroom, upstairs, in the corner, in the elevator.”
A review of Sterling’s testimony offers further details of how, according to the wealthy businessman, he was victimized by a predatory, sex-crazed younger woman. Deposition highlights included:
* Sterling testified, “All this woman did was call me every other day and asked me if she could suck me, if she could come in and give me a trick or if she could lick me.”
* When asked about a trip he took to Paris and Rome with Castro, Sterling replied, “For sex. I travelled with her for sex.” Though he could not always perform due to “all of these nine pills a day,” Sterling noted, “But whenever we traveled anywhere on the trip, she kept a record. And she told me how much I owed her, and I paid her. I paid her for every time we ever fooled around.”
* Recalling that, “We went to Paris to have sex,” Sterling testified that Castro wanted to tryst in an airplane bathroom, but “I wasn’t physically able to.” Sterling and Castro were joined on that European trip by Castro’s mother, who flew to Italy on the businessman’s dime. After spending time with his mistress and her mom, Sterling testified that he met up with his wife for the remainder of his overseas vacation.
* Sterling, then nearly 70, was apparently irresistible to Castro: “Every time that girl saw me she grabbed my body. She wanted to pull something and have sex.”
* Testifying about having sex at Castro’s Los Angeles apartment, Sterling recalled, “The minute I walk in, she has got a dirty video on the TV, the filthiest, dirtiest, ugliest video. That is supposed to get me hot.” Sterling added that Castro told him the video was a gift from boxer Mike Tyson, whom she previously dated.
* As to whether he had asked Castro to speak with a doctor “about whether she could become pregnant,” Sterling bristled. “Here a man is having a relationship, sex for money with a woman. He is quietly concealing it from the world…It is ridiculous. It is ludicrous.”* On the transactional nature of his dealings with Castro, Sterling said, “I paid her $500 a trick. Every time she provided sex she got $500.”
* Castro was insatiable, Sterling claimed. “The woman wanted sex everywhere. She wanted it in the alley, in her car, in the elevator, in the upstairs seventh floor, in the bathroom.”
* Sterling--an exacting customer--made it clear that cash he gave Castro was not a “gift.” He testified, “I was paying her. It was in exchange for sex. It wasn’t a gift. I wasn’t giving her money without her performing something for me. And if it wasn’t good, I wouldn’t give her anything. It was money for sex. How can you say it was a gift? If a man has an affair with a prostitute, is that a gift? It is not a gift.” (9 pages)