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We're sure this Scientology is quite a "religion" (how could John Travolta and Kirstie Alley be wrong?). But as for its founder, the late L. Ron Hubbard, well, The Smoking Gun thinks that the "Dianetics" author had a few screws loose. In these entertaining excerpts from his FBI file, Hubbard tries to snitch out a supposed Nazi and complains of being besieged by Cuban communists.
But nothing tops a 1963 bureau memo summarizing FBI file information on Hubbard, who died in 1986 at age 74. Seems that L. Ron liked to occasionally write to the FBI with "complaints about his wife and about alleged communists." In one lengthy 1951 diatribe, Hubbard spun a bizarre tale about intruders invading his apartment. He claimed, according to one of the FBI memos you'll find below, that after being knocked out, a needle was "thrust into his heart to produce a coronary thrombosis and he was given an electric shock."
Heck, that seems entirely plausible to TSG. Why would a respected writer/thinker/religious guy like Hubbard make up such a demented tale?
Blowing The Whistle On A Supposed Nazi (1 page)
A Plea For Red Protection (1 page)
Recalling A Heart Attack (3 pages)
FBI Reviews Bankruptcy Filing (2 pages)
L. Ron's Rap Sheet (1 page)
Hubbard: No Tricky Dick Fan (5 pages)