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Drunk Hank Trashes A Women's Health Clinic
Drunk Hank Trashes A Women's Health Clinic
Drunk Hank Trashes A Women's Health Clinic
Drunk Hank Trashes A Women's Health Clinic
Henry Nasiff was your basic run-of-the-mill dwarf until he was discovered/exploited by radio host Howard Stern. Now Nasiff, 36, is a minor celebrity, known nationwide as "Hank The Angry, Drunken Dwarf." He is such a hit with Stern fans that they helped propel him to a massive victory in People magazine's recent online vote for the 50 Most Beautiful People.
Hank's appeal is rooted in his belligerence--behavior triggered, of course, by his prodigious consumption of alcohol. But that rampant boozing does have its shortcomings. These police and court documents from Hank's hometown of Fall River, Massachusetts detail a pair of previous booze-filled rampages that resulted in criminal convictions for Nasiff. Note: Local cops blacked out Nasiff's name in police reports released pursuant to a Freedom of Information request.
Drunk Hank Trashes A Women's Health Clinic (3 pages)
One-Shoed Nasiff Nailed On New Year's Eve (3 pages)