Busted Man Says Injury Caused By Justin Bieber Doll
Perp accused girlfriend of painful toy assault

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MARCH 12--A cop who was arrested for assaulting his live-in girlfriend claimed that the victim had attacked him with a Justin Bieber doll during a confrontation in the couple’s Colorado home.
Michael Nuanes, 37, described his girlfriend as the aggressor in the January incident, according to an Adams County Sheriff’s Office affidavit. Nuanes, a Denver Police Department officer, told deputies that his girlfriend had “thrown things, pushed him, shoved him, grabbed him, bit him, slapped him with an open hand, attempted to strangle him and beat him up.”
Nuanes, investigators reported, “pointed out a ‘Justin Beiber’ doll which was the item used to injure him.” He claimed that the thrown Bieber doll--the size of a standard Barbie doll--left him with a “bruise on the outside middle part” of his left foot.
When cops interviewed the 42-year-old victim, she reported that Nuanes picked a fight with her over “ultimatums” that included her changing her Facebook status to indicate that she was in a relationship with Nuanes.
During a subsequent tussle, the woman told deputies, Nuanes grabber her by the hair, threw her to the ground, and punched her in the ribs. A deputy photographed the victim’s injuries, which included bruises on her head, back, arm, and chest.
Pictured in the mug shot at left, Nuanes was charged with domestic violence and criminal mischief. He was also named in a mandatory protection order barring him from contacting the victim. Since he was also ordered not to possess a firearm, Nuanes has been placed on desk duty by Denver police brass.
Free on $1500 bond, Nuanes is next due in Adams County District Court in May. (4 pages)