C-Word Triggers Mall Assault
19-year-old woman busted after obscenity-filled assault in Florida

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DECEMBER 5--Meet Bridget Clemons.
The 19-year-old Floridian, an employee at a Pensacola strip club, is facing an assault rap after confronting a shoe store employee she accused of calling her the N-word for women (four letter, rhymes with bunt).
According to an Okaloosa County Sheriff's Office report, Clemons Sunday went to a local mall and confronted Tymbre Ballew, 19, at the Journey's Kids outlet. After accusing Ballew of uttering the C-word and promising to 'beat her ass,' Clemons allegedly threw a shoe at Ballew.
Of course, the missile missed its target, and instead struck a 17-year-old part-time worker in the face.
Clemons, pictured in her mug shot, was arrested on misdemeanor assault and battery charges. It is unclear what may have caused Ballew to use an obscenity when addressing Clemons, who was 'verbally combative' when initially confronted by cops. (3 pages)
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