Congress Seeks Clemens Probe
House asks Justice Department to examine pitcher's possible perjury

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FEBRUARY 27--A Congressional committee today formally asked federal prosecutors to investigate whether Roger Clemens lied when he testified earlier this month that he never used steroids or human growth hormone.
In a letter to the Department of Justice, a copy of which you'll find here, the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee requests a 'further investigation' of Clemens's sworn testimony on February 13, which ran counter to claims of the pitcher's former trainer, Brian McNamee, who swore that he injected Clemens with performance-enhancing drugs on many occasions.
Additionally, as the House letter notes, New York Yankees pitcher Andy Pettitte has also contradicted Clemens's testimony.
The letter to Attorney General Michael Mukasey was signed by Henry Waxman, the committee's Democratic chairman, and Tom Davis, the panel's ranking Republican member. (2 pages)