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You've seen it for sale on eBay. You probably read Tom Zeller's whimsical piece about it in The New York Times. Heck, even the Smithsonian Institution just nabbed one for the permanent collection. So, TSG is understandably proud to present a copy of a truly valuable artifact, Enron's in-house "Code of Ethics." The 64-page booklet was distributed to employees along with an introductory letter from Chairman Kenneth Lay noting the "moral and honest manner" in which the energy firm's business affairs should be conducted. At left you'll find some selected pages from the guide, which was aggressively ignored by many of the Texas skells who drove the firm--and its workers--into the ground. (6 pages)
SPECIAL ADDED BONUS: For completists, TSG is also making the entire ethics guide available in the easy-to-download PDF format. So just click here to browse through all 64 pages (if you've got the stomach for it).
The Bush-Lay correspondence is here.