Feds: Hand Over The Sax, Hsu
Prosecutors want ex-Democratic moneyman to forfeit Clinton horn

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DECEMBER 4--Federal prosecutors want disgraced Democratic moneyman Norman Hsu--who was named today in a 15-count fraud indictment--to forfeit a 'saxophone autographed by a former President of the United States.' The indictment, filed in U.S. District Court in Manhattan, does not name the former president, but Bill Clinton would seem a good bet considering Hsu's prior role as a chief fundraiser for Democratic presidential aspirant Hillary Clinton.
The indictment, an excerpt of which you'll find here, notes that the valuable saxophone is located in a Soho apartment once occupied by the 56-year-old Hsu, who is alleged to have swindled $20 million from investors in a Ponzi scheme. Unless Hsu has more than one autographed saxophone, the instrument sought appears to be the one referred to in a recent Wall Street Journal story, which reported that Hsu once paid $26,000 at a Red Cross benefit for a Bill Clinton-signed horn.
Government lawyers also want to seize 'various bottles of wine and champagne' located in Hsu's Wooster Street home. (2 pages)