John Hinckley's "Fondling Privileges"
Government says Reagan assailant is narcissistic juggler of women

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John Hinckley's "Fondling Privileges"
John Hinckley's "Fondling Privileges"
John Hinckley's "Fondling Privileges"
John Hinckley's "Fondling Privileges"
John Hinckley's "Fondling Privileges"
John Hinckley's "Fondling Privileges"
John Hinckley's "Fondling Privileges"
John Hinckley's "Fondling Privileges"
JUNE 18--John Hinckley is a womanizing narcissist who juggles sexual relationships, maintains "fondling privileges" with one paramour, and "believes himself entitled to a life of leisure," according to federal prosecutors opposing the presidential assailant's bid for more time away from a Washington, D.C. psychiatric hospital.
In a blistering court filing, government lawyers charge that Hinckley, 53, has engaged in "continued inappropriate and unrealistic relationships with several women," and that he has not satisfactorily addressed "issues surrounding his relationships with women." In a June 4 motion, government lawyers reported that Hinckley has been "maintaining near simultaneous sexual relationships" with two women, "rekindled" a relationship with a former girlfriend, and "met a fourth woman" last year.
A copy of the U.S. District Court filing can be found here.
This "significant increase in his interaction with women" is of concern, prosecutors argue, because of Hinckley's "narcissistic need to be in the company of women and to impress the women he is with." Hinckley needs to address "his issues" surrounding these relationships, prosecutors wrote, "in order to preclude the danger that he might again try to impress a woman through violence."
In 1981, Hinckley shot President Ronald Reagan as a "love offering" to actress Jodie Foster, with whom he was obsessed. At trial the following year, Hinckley was found not guilty by reason of insanity and was confined to St. Elizabeths Hospital, where he has spent the last 25 years.
Over the past decade, Hinckley has been granted supervised visits with his family, and it is the duration of those releases that he is currently seeking to expand. The government believes that such an expansion is "improvident and endangers the community." Prosecutors noted that as a result of Hinckley's "reemergent narcissism," he "believes himself entitled to a life of leisure and shows significant signs of stress when he is not given his way."
A July 21 court hearing is scheduled on Hinckley's motion for additional furloughs from St. Elizabeths. (7 pages)