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NOVEMBER 6--America's most patient jurist has finally been pushed over the edge by the insane scribblings of so-called 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui. Federal Judge Leonie Brinkema yesterday issued the below order warning the pro se litigant that he risks losing the right to practice law, as it were, if he files any further "frivolous, scandalous, disrespectful or repetitive pleadings" in his terrorism case. In the last week, Brinkema noted, Moussaoui has bombarded her with "more than twenty writings," some of which contain threats to public officials and "attempts to communicate with persons overseas." As with many Moussaoui submissions, Brinkema has placed the recent correspondence under seal. She has also put the admitted al-Qaeda member on "formal notice" that if he continues with the frivolous pleadings, he risks being held in contempt and losing his right to act as his own lawyer. (2 pages)