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Dr. Phil McGraw's a deadbeat. That's the claim of a Texas aviation firm that is suing the popular television host for stiffing them on $135,962 in corporate jet bills. As detailed in the below County Court complaint, Dallas-based DDH Aviation alleges that McGraw, "a prodigious consumer of private air transport services," last year flew on the company's aircraft for several months. But "despite numerous letters, faxes, and telephone calls demanding payment," McGraw, an Oprah Winfrey protege, has failed to pay for the luxury service. In addition to suing McGraw--who splits time between homes in Irving, Texas and Beverly Hills--the aviation firm has also named Syndicated Air, Inc, as a defendant in the January 31 action. That firm is owned by McGraw's production company. Steve Sumner, attorney for DDH, said he was surprised that McGraw didn't seem to be following his own advice. "Just as you need to behave with integrity in life, you need to have integrity when it comes to financial issues," Dr. Phil writes on his own web site. "He should practice what he preaches," Sumner told TSG. McGraw's syndicated program, "Dr. Phil," has been a ratings champion and his appearance Monday night (2/17) on David Letterman's talk show resulted in the program's highest ratings in 17 months and Letterman's first victory over Jay Leno in three years. (6 pages)
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