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Another day, another crazed, rambling utterance from Zacarias Moussaoui. Today (7/18) in Alexandria, Virginia federal court, Moussaoui attempted to plead guilty to new federal charges that could bring him the death penalty, although Judge Leonie Brinkema required that he take a week to consider the plea. Moussaoui, the so-called 20th hijacker, also took time to "pledge bay at to Osama bin Laden," and educuate the judge on the fine points of federal law. In Arabic bayat is an oath of allegiance. (6 pages)
Moussaoui psychoanalyzes his judge.
A "Lee Harvey Oswald" end for the 20th hijacker?
Government plans to use multimedia evidence in their case.
February 26, 2025
New Jersey massage parlor was raided as part of prostitution probe