October 3, 2007
From The Mouths Of Babes
World's littlest bagman tells FBI daddy's plans for bribe money

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OCTOBER 3--A trio of cops is facing federal charges for shaking down drug dealers operating in their Ohio town. Nothing unique there. But an FBI affidavit filed in support of the arrests notes that one of the officers, Sean Beck, told a confidential witness that he planned on using some bribe money for a car payment and a weekend trip to Tennessee strip clubs. That's when Beck's two-year-old son--who accompanied the cop to pick up money from the CW, a drug dealer--chimed in with a comment about how daddy (pictured in the mug shot at right) would spend his illegal gains. Yes, kids say the darndest things. (3 pages)
March 13, 2025
Cops: Suspect, 39, stiffed strip club for gyration ministrations