Okie In Moonshine Bust
Investigators still man's alleged homegrown hooch operation
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AUGUST 9--Meet Leon Warren. The Oklahoma man, 64, was recently nabbed for running a moonshine business out of his home. According to an August 7 District Court criminal complaint, Warren is facing a felony rap for operating a whiskey still and two misdemeanors for possessing non-taxed liquor and producing wine without a permit. Warren, who faces up to three years in jail and a $5000 fine if convicted of the charges, posed for the below mug shot at the Pushmataha County Sheriff's Office before posting $1000 bond. Warren is the second alleged moonshiner to be featured on TSG. Last October, we reported on the arrest of Alton Junior Moran, who, coincidentally, also preferred overalls. Prior to Moran, the only other arrestee pictured in overalls was the Louisiana guy who got popped trying to have sex with his girlfriend on top of a 200-foot water tower. (3 pages)