Sinead: I Wasn't Puffing While Pregnant
Singer says online reports libelous, a bald-faced lie

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MAY 10--Singer Sinead O'Connor is threatening legal action against web sites that have recently published a photo purportedly showing her pregnant and smoking a cigarette. In a May 5 cease and desist letter, attorney Rob Cohen writes that O'Connor 'was not pregnant at the time that such photograph was taken,' adding that the performer 'takes her reputation as a good parent and responsible mother very seriously.' The photo in question (which can be seen here) was reportedly snapped in late-March as O'Connor walked on a Manhattan street with an unidentified man. While a cigarette can clearly be seen in her right hand, it is less certain as to what is causing the bump/ripple/undulation in her red sweatshirt. Through her counsel, O'Connor, a 39-year-old mother of three, contends that she 'is unable to simply ignore these postings' and demands the immediate extinguishing of any story claiming that she was jointly with child and cigarette. (2 pages)