Survivor Contestant A Reef Thief?

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Survivor Contestant A Reef Thief?

TSG's a big fan of the Great Barrier Reef, so we're pissed that, during the March 29 episode of "Survivor," contestant Colby "Face First" Donaldson illegally toTSG's a big fan of the Great Barrier Reef, so we're pissed that, during the March 29 episode of "Survivor," contestant Colby "Face First" Donaldson illegally took pieces of coral from the ecologically sensitive reef and gave them to fellow cast members as souvenirs. Since Australia's Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority is now investigating, we offer them this Donaldson thumbprint--just in case the underwater gumshoes will be dusting the reef for evidence.Donaldson, 27, was inked in June 1999 after being nabbed in San Angelo, Texas on misdemeanor drag racing charges. Following a "no contest" plea, he was fined and placed on probation. (3 pages)

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