Watch Where You're Putting That Wand
Tight airport security way too close for some travelers's comfort

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Watch Where You're Putting That Wand
Watch Where You're Putting That Wand
Watch Where You're Putting That Wand
Watch Where You're Putting That Wand
Watch Where You're Putting That Wand
Watch Where You're Putting That Wand
Watch Where You're Putting That Wand
Watch Where You're Putting That Wand
Watch Where You're Putting That Wand
SEPTEMBER 29--While the increased screening at airports is an inconvenience to everyone, some travelers have been so pissed by their treatment at security checkpoints that they have written the Transportation Security Administration with their beefs. Below you'll find some of these amusing complaints, which have been compiled by the TSA in a handy-dandy log available to anyone via a Freedom of Information Act request. While one woman was offended by an extremely close wanding, another gal, a doctor no less, ran into problems over the screening of 'her magnetic breast implants.' An international traveler complained about a 'coloured operative' who appeared to be 'enjoying some queer homosexual tendencies' during one body search. Then there's the guy with the outstanding arrest warrant wondering about whether he would get popped at the airport. Our favorite, though, was from the nitwit who was angered by his treatment after joking about having a bazooka at the Fort Lauderdale airport. (8 pages)