Fifteen Find Themselves In A Hairy Situation
Yes, there really is a perp under that shaggy mane

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NOTE: This week’s booking photo roundup can be viewed two ways:
I) Click here to page through the photos in old school TSG style. In the upper right corner of each page you’ll find a description of the criminal charge(s) leveled against the suspect.
II) To look at the booking photos in a lightbox, just click the image beneath the “View The Document” arrow at left. When you mouse over the respective photos, the charged crime(s) will appear in a small box.
JUNE 3--The smirking Oklahoman leading off this week’s mug shot lineup was busted for drunk driving and leaving the scene of an accident with damage (which could explain that bandage). As for his fellow suspects, some notes:
1) The South Carolina woman, 23, on page #3 was arrested Wednesday for drunk driving and failure to wear a set belt (which could explain that bandage); 2) The Arizona woman who can barely be seen behind that hair peephole on page #4 was collared Tuesday for violating probation. The 45-year-old can be seen here in profile; 3) The 19-year-old Arizonan showing some tongue on page #7 was nabbed Wednesday on a marijuana charge; 4) The 26-year-old Floridian wearing that “Fist Pumping” t-shirt on page #10 was jailed, of course, for battery; 5) Why, yes, the California man, 29, on page #11 does have a chest tattoo reading “Don’t Hate Me Hate Your Bitch.” He was popped Thursday on narcotics charges; and 6) The sad Georgia woman, 26, on page #15 was popped Tuesday for public intoxication. (15 pages)