Your Sister Saw Him In The Stairwell
Creepy t-shirted suspect kicks off mug shot roundup

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Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
Moms On The Internet
NOTE: This week’s booking photo roundup can be viewed two ways:
I) Click here to page through the photos in old school TSG style. In the upper right corner of each page you’ll find a description of the criminal charge(s) leveled against the suspect.
II) To look at the booking photos in a lightbox, just click the image beneath the “View The Document” arrow at left. When you mouse over the respective photos, the charged crime(s) will appear in a small box.
On to the words:
AUGUST 27--The guy at the head of this week’s mug shot roundup was busted Tuesday after he allegedly exposed himself (while masturbating, of course) to women in a stairwell at a Kentucky college (the 37-year-old creep was also charged in connection with a similar incident last week at another Owensboro school). So forget the Internet: He may have seen your mom from the bushes outside her bedroom window.
As for the remaining suspects, some notes:
1) The purported “Menace” on page #4 is a 33-year-old Florida laborer who was picked up on a warrant; 2) The fierce Arkansan, 18, on page #8 was nabbed Saturday for shoplifting; 3) The 19-year-old Florida woman on page #11 was busted Sunday for narcotics possession. The Bible passage on her side was photographed during the booking process; 4) No professional courtesy was extended to the 50-year-old security guard on page #12. She was popped today by Kentucky cops for speeding and driving without a valid license; 5) The young man on page #14 was arrested Tuesday for burglary and criminal mischief. The significance of that “Boog” in his hair is unknown; and 6) The 19-year-old Floridian on page #17 was rolled up last Friday for Ecstasy possession. Not sure he was going for it, but that side tattoo sure has some serious Banksy overtones. (18 pages)
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