Bad Sex Prompts Attack
Texas woman arrested after slashing common-law husband

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MAY 5--Angered by her common-law husband's poor performance in bed, a Texas woman yesterday allegedly stabbed her mate with a pair of scissors, leading to her arrest for assault.
Michelle Thomas, 26, apparently became enraged when the victim failed to satisfy her sexually, according to a court affidavit sworn by a Hudson Police Department officer. The man, 28, told cops that the woman had 'become angry with him over a sexual encounter that she was not satisified with,' and 'began to slash at him with the scissors.'
The man, who refused to press charges, suffered superficial cuts to his chest, leg, and hand. Thomas was arrested for aggravated assault, a felony, and booked into the Angelina County jail, where she posed for her mug shot. (2 pages)
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