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March 7, 2025
Internist doused Florida rival's office with “gallons” of rank fluid
September 10, 2010Yes, it seems that perp has a jockstrap on his head
September 10, 2010Floridian claimed his cat downloaded “strange things”
September 9, 2010Crime scene Bombers lid could help solve homicide
September 8, 2010Florida church’s “rulebook” worthy of pastor’s bonfire
September 7, 2010Feds: Fraudster tied $1540 to scrotum with shoelace
September 7, 2010Town claims droopy garments cause “improper gait”
September 3, 2010Shocking sentiment aired in mug shot roundup
September 3, 2010DOCUMENT: Internet, Investigation, CrimeProbe target peddled restricted night vision items
September 1, 2010Pledges beaten, warned that “snitches get stitches”
August 31, 2010Unearthed documents detail comedian's discharge
August 30, 2010Teacher was suspended over vulgar sex ed talk
August 30, 2010Defense amounts to "Officer, that's not my cocaine.”
August 27, 2010Creepy t-shirted suspect kicks off mug shot roundup