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June 24, 2013Ink lover, hair extenders, wig cap off new roundup
June 21, 2013Kin fought over how to properly prepare drink
June 20, 2013Man who says NFL star shot him in face has rap sheet
June 19, 2013Lawsuit charges Aaron Hernandez with negligence
June 19, 2013DOCUMENT: CrimeMuslim man accused mom of trying to "poison" him
June 17, 2013Masked men, mascaraed women spend time in joint
June 14, 2013Maryland cops seek teens who used misplaced plastic
June 12, 2013DOCUMENT: CrimeConvicted rapist, 36, celebrated nuptials in camouflage
June 11, 2013DOCUMENT: CrimeMom and teen daughter tried to sneak cash into U.S.
June 10, 2013Mug shot enough to land Florida woman in roundup
June 7, 2013DOCUMENT: CrimeFeds: Postal Service photographs every piece of mail
June 6, 2013Cops: "Vodka beverages" enraged tipsy passenger
June 4, 2013DOCUMENT: CrimeBudding equestrian, 45, faces narcotics trafficking rap