New Partner's Feeds for TSG
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For no particular reason, here's a map to all of Ukraine's mineral resources [Interesting]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
♫ The temperature gauge / It fell to to the floor / And so did the torr / A strong gusting breeze / I looked at the map here's what I see / Well that's the winter storm that's coming our way / It'll screw up weather 'cross the USA / 'Cause of Lola ♫ [PSA]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Etiquette tip: If you're a nurse, don't grab a patient's genitals and say "Look at the size of those nads" [Asinine]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Trump Adminstration sends 4,400 soldiers to southern border along with choppers and armored vehicles to repel the hordes of gila monsters and cacti [Asinine]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Is this the way to solve (some of) the homeless problem? [Interesting]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Looks like those bootstrappy red staters forgot to rake their forests, too [Ironic]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Miami is ranked number five in the nation, time to party bros [Florida]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Looking to get away from it all? Do you like deserts? Have we got a deal for you [Strange]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
America wouldn't have a housing crisis if we didn't have building codes. I am very smrt [Facepalm]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Day 1,103 of WW3: It has become apparent to even the most hardened Russian that they are not going to defeat Ukraine solely on the battlefield. So instead they are going all in on destabilizing the entire West. This is your Sunday Ukraine War thread [News
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG
Electricity companies are raising rates because you live in the part of the world where shiat gets destroyed on a regular basis [Florida]
Categories: New Partner's Feeds for TSG