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February 24, 2025
Cops: Assailant beat Hispanic victim inside Missouri market
October 14, 2013DOCUMENT: Roundups...he'd look something like perp #1 in new roundup
October 10, 2013"Trust issues" blamed for fight following menage a trois
October 8, 2013DOCUMENT: CrimeVictim called dancer a "snaggle toothed bitch!"
October 4, 2013DOCUMENT: RoundupsHighway obstructor, license scofflaw highlight roundup
October 3, 2013Cops called to South Carolina school as child erupted
October 2, 2013DOCUMENT: CrimeFBI: Flier wanted mother to "shut that nigger baby up"
October 1, 2013DOCUMENT: CrimeArkansas man fired 9mm at "Lolly Gaggin" women
September 27, 2013DOCUMENT: RoundupsAccused burglar definitely guilty of fashion faux pas
September 26, 2013Victim, 75, battered for using dryer perp said "was his"
September 25, 2013Jail awaits man found with pants down, penis exposed
September 24, 2013Perp faces up to year in prison on indecency rap
September 23, 2013DOCUMENT: CrimeMan said he sought proof woman wore no panties
September 23, 2013DOCUMENT: RoundupsArrestee's riveting earrings highlight mug shot roundup