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September 24, 2013Perp faces up to year in prison on indecency rap
September 23, 2013DOCUMENT: CrimeMan said he sought proof woman wore no panties
September 23, 2013DOCUMENT: RoundupsArrestee's riveting earrings highlight mug shot roundup
September 20, 2013Targeted "cracker," opted for mentally challenged man
September 18, 2013Singer, 25, faces minimum of five years in prison
September 17, 2013Floridian facing abuse rap for striking victim with rod
September 17, 2013Cops: New Mexican, 18, swiped unique DVD collection
September 16, 2013DOCUMENT: RoundupsGoofy, flamboyant perps starkly contrast stoic Darth
September 13, 2013Viewers traumatized by twerking, foam-fingering act
September 12, 2013Suspect incensed action continued after he "finished"
September 11, 2013Feds: Woman, 33, tried to bilk businessman for $250k
September 10, 2013Overseas-bound arms hidden in Xbox, DVD consoles
September 9, 2013Feds: Man, 50, also wore pink wig during $1537 heist